Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Fun at the Mall

Have you ever gone to the mall on a Wednesday morning? If you like to watch old people, it's a senior lollapalooza! They are the grandpas and grandmas who henceforth shall be known as G&G's. There are G&G's who walk very SLOWLY looking at the store windows of the Fredrick's of Hollywood and Hot Topic. I'm sure in their heads they are saying something about the damn kids today and what they wear. I hope they are saying that and nothing about how they wish they could have more leather in their wardrobe.

There are the G&G's who walk around the mall at a brisk pace for their cardio work out. I like these G&G's because I too walk at a brisk pace.

I especially like the G&G's who can be seen in the forbidden realms of See's Candy and Taco Bell. They are eating all the naughty things their kids and doctors would scold them if they only knew. The are the rebel G&G's who know how to live it up.

Then there are the G&G's who sit on a bench and just stare. It's sad to see them just sitting there waiting till it's time to move and go home. The funny thing is they probably see me and think, oh look at that sad girl. She kind of looks like someone...a sad Sandra Bullock!

The person I feel the most pity for at the mall is the sad clown who works in a certain kiosk. It's called the creative crab and they sell hermit crabs. Can you imagine the comments that poor girl get's all day long? I can and it makes me giggle.