Wednesday, November 09, 2005


I worked today starting at 10 am and now it's 1 am and I'm seriously considering going to bed. Who knew that working for more than an hour on stage could be so fun? My brain actually does hurt from thinking too much though, it's use to not exerting too much effort. My World Youth Day video is almost done, which is good since I show it on Sunday. The only problem now is burning it onto a DVD. It's over a half an hour long and that's a lot of gigs. Are you a computer geek and know what I am talking about?
I spoke at my alma mater tonight and it was good to be back. It was fun to be there and not have a paper or a test due the next day. It's actually a great place to be when your not paying $20,000 a semester to be there.
My kids are so getting golf clubs in their hands the minute they are born. Move over Tiger my kid needs to make a few billion to keep me living in the manner in which I think I deserve!