Sunday, February 19, 2006

Mr. Ronnie, I Love You

Mr. Ronnie makes hot holes. Ok, really they are donut holes but cool people call them hot holes. I do find it awkward at a party to say, "hey Mary, hand me a hot hole." but believe me it's worth the embarrassment. I believe what makes hot holes better than normal donut holes is the love and care that is put into every hole. They use to say blood, sweat and tears made Mr. Ronnie's hot holes great, but no one wants to think of bodily fluids when eating pastries. So I'll say love makes them better. Love makes lot's of other things better but strangely enough love does not help when listening to an actual Blood, Sweat & Tears album. I choose to say album because no one listens to Blood, Sweat & Tears on an 8 track anymore. That is except Mr. Ronnie, he listens while making his hot holes.

So my final statement is this:
Mr. Ronnie makes his hot holes with love and care while listening to Blood, Sweat & Tears on 8 track.