Tuesday, June 21, 2005

It's Summer Time!

Today marks the first day of summer or if you are like me and live and Southern California today marks Tuesday.

I have often wondered if I have missed something by not experiencing seasons. I had the seasons, they just never changed, that's not true once in 1993 is dipped down under 60 degrees and I had to put on a sweater.

The beginning of summer makes me reminiscent of camping at Carlsbad State Beach with my family. Camping to me involves a large motor home with running water and a TV but camping nonetheless.

It makes me think back to when I was too little to go swimming alone and would sit right where the waves would crash on the beach. If I sat there long enough the tide would go in and out and I would sink down into the wet sand. When I would finally get up there would be so much sand in the nylon pocket of my bikini bottoms that my mom would have to come and help me deposit 8 pounds of sand back on the beach.

Next time you are at the beach do yourself a favor and sit at the shore for a while, but not too long in case your mom is not there.