Saturday, February 26, 2005
As I type this there are twelve Police officers at my neighbors house in swat gear brandishing their high powered automatic weapons. At around 9pm I was passing by our front door and out of the corner of my eye I saw a huge flash and then heard a loud bang. I thought it was more thunder and lighting and my dad said, "Whoa somebody hit the transformer!" I went out to see if in fact there was a horrible car accident and I heard, "Police! Get down! Police, everybody get down on the ground!" I quickly ran back in and told my dad we were both wrong and that SWAT was paying a visit to our neighbors, This isn't the first time these neighbors have had police men visiting them, but it's never been with so much fire power. For the next 2 hours we were all at different bedroom and bathroom windows looking to see what was going on, with the lights out of course. People would come home (at last count I think 20 people live in the house) and the SWAT would rise up out of their hiding spots and handcuff them. My mom is in heaven because she loves this stuff and I guarantee by morning she will have the detective in charge of the operation on the phone and get the whole story. In the mean time I can go to bed with the secure knowledge that there are a dozen men 30 feet away with high powered weapons. We are not getting robbed tonight