Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Summer Time...

...And the dogs are living easy.
Here in California this is how we roll.
We roll in the pool.
We roll in the pool underwater until we get sea sick.
Today after getting out of the pool the yellow lab came over to me and hurled on my foot.
Summer time and my foot has dog sick on it....All right!
I have been surfing as much as I can to get it out of my system because come Monday the only surfing I will be doing is via the internet. I won't be back to the west side till the first part of October...dang, I have to pack...I stink at packing! Do I pack a big suitcase or two little suitcases. Do I pack my October cold clothes now even though it's hot and if I wore them now I would stroke out plus look extremely silly? You think comedians are happy ha ha all the time, well now you know, not so much.