Tuesday, July 10, 2007

It's 3 am..I must have an hour left

I woke up at 4 am this morning...on purpose.
So far I walked 3 miles, ate breakfast, checked my email, showered, watched my Tivoed shows in fast motion, watered my garden, talked to the dogs, listened to the dogs, argued with the dogs, worked on some upcoming talks and watched my mom talk to Roomba as it tried to just do it's job and vacuum.

Now it's 9 am and I have done all the things it usually takes me all day to do...so now what the heck do I do all day? Dang. Maybe the dogs might have a suggestion, they have never steered me wrong before. Except for this one time about 10 years ago when I wanted to buy stock in Starbucks and they talked me out of it. "Coffee? Who's gonna spend money on coffee when they can make Folgers in the comfort of their own homes!" Dumb dogs.