Saturday, April 30, 2005

Judy Apple Seed

Today was a great day.
My mom and I drove over to my nephew's birthday party or we intended to go. Once we were at the dorky Yu-Gi-Oh card shop we discovered the party is actually tomorrow. I'm currently reviewing what nursing homes to put her in. All the ones I called so far said she is too young and there is nothing wrong with her and to stop calling. One good thing did come out of the trip; I found a new place to go if my self-esteem ever dwindles. Grown men playing a card game based on a childrens Japanese cartoon is liquid gold! Better than a Wal-Mart, better than hanging out at the bus depot and better than challenging the seniors at the park to race and run wind sprints.

The day got better when my ADD medicine kicked in and I was able to hyper focus on gardening. I found these packages of different wild flowers and an assortment of flower seeds. But before I could plant the buggers I had to clear half an acre of dead ice plant and snails. My grandma had the right idea when dealing with snails. She would put out little saucers of beer for them and they would drink the beer and die; I guess because snails don't have livers. Grandma killed but did it in a humane way. Not my mom. She chucks them against the fence or just plain steps on them. I think she might have some pent up rage. It's probably against me because she found the brochures I sent away for from the "homes". I really don't know how she could miss them since I tape them to her bathroom mirror.

I planted 3 different packages which all boasted, "Contains over 10,000 seeds", 10,000 seeds to a packet! Flower seeds on steroids! I planted over 30,000 seeds today and I will be happy if 3 flowers come up. I don't actually have a black thumb but it sure isn't green!

Three weeks ago I cleared a place near the trashcans and where the dogs "do their business" to plant a garden. I have tomatoes, green beans, beets, jalapeƱos, bell peppers, pumpkins and sunflowers. Today I found 5 billion ants live in my garden, snails are eating everything and the dogs still "do their business" despite my constant requests for them to cease and desist. So I think I'm going to give my vegetables away this year.
Tell all your friends!