Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Oh Crop!

A new crop is in at the McDonald farm.
We have berries people.
We got blackberries, we got raspberries and we got boysenberries, oh my. And oh ya I know it would sound better to say, "we have" but "we got" has more of a down home farm feeling to it.

I'm glad I was born when I was and not when my food had to come from whatever I grew or killed because I would have starved to death. This gardening stuff sure does take a long time and it cost a lot too. I could have bought a new car with all the money I have spent on seeds and soil so far. Of course this car would have been made out of cardboard, but still.
I have been warned that soon the bunnies will come. I was scared until my mom explained the bunnies would eat stuff out of my garden and not try to attack me personally.
This put me at ease.