Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Big Poppy Day!

Some facts about my dad:

He kept the Mid-West safe during the Korean Conflict while he served in the Army Reserve.

He drove cattle when he was in high school (the traditional way, not in a car).

He could survive on Skippy peanut butter sandwiches on Wonder bread and Coke.

He rode out to California on a train, like a hobo and he still turned out OK.

He hates going to the dentist more than I hate clowns, we both hate clown dentists equally.

He has been on National TV more times than me (not even counting the C.O.P.S. episodes).

He met Johnny Carson once.

Kilt him a b'ar when he was only three

He got a free pair of golf shoes from Roger Clemens golfing buddy but was more excited about the free Gatorade he got that day.

He will watch the Quiet Man if it's on TV even though he has seen it 590 times.

He likes to salute the Ronald Reagan poster in my room.

I am his favorite daughter, but he is such a good dad that he doesn't let on to "the others".

Every Christmas when he opens a present he puts the bows on his head and pretends like they aren't there. That's my personal favorite.