Tuesday, January 24, 2006

What Have I Done?

Today, for the third day in the row, I, oh I can't say it, it's so dirty...I ran three miles.
I can't stop.
Usually I hit the wall pretty quick (I actually do hit brick walls from time to time, but that is for another day) but lately I've been running faster and further. I am one sick puppy. Who would have thought that someone so morally opposed to running would now look forward to it? It's just sick and wrong.
I need help.
I need to eat more M&M's and popcorn.
Maybe somebody will plan an intervention or maybe there is a support group I can join.
For shame!
I've even been cutting back on Dr. Pepper. I won't blame you if you don't want to be my friend anymore. It's horrible, I'm even back to the weight that my license says and that has never happened. So what gives? I have been eating the same stuff, coffee and M&M's for breakast, you know, Atkins. The only new thing is this running.
Running...I feel so dirty.