Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Time, time, time, is not on my side

Some times I have a feeling that I might be functionally retarded. Oops did I say that out loud? Let me explain. For the past 36 weeks I have been receiving an issue of Entertainment weekly in the mail. I read the whole thing every week and every week it left me with a feeling of gratitude that I now knew so much about entertainment. I got to thinking that It's a bad enough I watch so much TV and movies, now I'm reading a whole magazine devoted to it. Before you say anything I know they do a segment on books and theatre, but really who are we kidding here? I only read that part when they said something about Harry Potter.
So when my subscription to Entertainment Weekly finally came to an end I said, "no more." I will no longer buy into this mind numbing sludge. If I am going to read I shall read something that will stimulate my brain and maybe even give me some material. So I subscribed to Time Magazine (got a nifty gift that I re-gifted for Christmas too).
Here's the thing, I can't get thru the whole magazine. I'm not talking about skipping one or two articles that no one really cares about...I can't read a whole article. If I force myself I can read the "notebook" section of Time. That's the part that has milestones, who dies who got fired etc. I also enjoy the page with quotes on it because let's face it, there only a sentence long, I can handle that. Thank God there was a long article on Bill Murray that so far has nice photo's around all those words. I will say that Donna Frye is on page 19 of this weeks Time Magazine, her husband is making me a surfboard so in a way it's kind of like I'm in the magazine right?
I didn't use to be this slow really I swear it! At one point I went to a University and I even graduated from it, eventually. I know I read then. I even wrote papers that were long and had big words in them. Oh but do you know what my major was? Media Communications! I just read Entertainment Weekly type articles and books. Will the circle be broken? Let's hope my future husband is smart enough so my children will one day be able to function normally despite their half mutated genes.