Thursday, September 09, 2004

The Lights Are on...and somebody's gonna get in trouble!

My parent live in an old house. Well, old by California standards I guess. Their friend built it and I don't think he really knew what he was doing. Like when I perform surgery, I just really shouldn't be practicing medicine. In the last week at the house there has been a major flood and now we are experiencing a lack of electricity (my mom swears that the locust are next.).
Some rooms have it some rooms don't. Then no rooms have it and my dad gets really upset. I don't blame him, I would get upset to, I have grown very fond of electricity. I use it every day, especially since I've been cyber stalking the cast from Sesame Street. Not the new cast, the old cast from the 70's when Sesame street was funny, oh wait I'm thinking of Saturday Night Live.
My dad had an electrician come out to the house; mostly because my mom made him. She gets nervous when dad fiddles around with his screwdriver and live electric current. The two just don't mix, like Dick Cheney and cheese curds, nothing but trouble.
The electrician said we had too many things running at the same time and the poor old house just wasn't built for so much excitement. Our house is over stimulated, we have to cut back on it's work load. My dad took heed and gave me and my mom the dad talk; "when you leave a room, turn out the light. If your not in the room turn off the television. If I need to be put on a ventilator don't run the toaster at the same time." I've heard it all before coming from a Scottish family, we are not what you would call lose with our wattage. It must be funny to see our house from the outside. You know exactly when someone leaves a rooms and enters it from the path of lights going on and off. You can't kid around with this stuff either, it's serious. When I came home tonight from the Comedy Store I dropped my stuff off in the family room and went to my room to turn on my computer. That's when I heard, "who the hell left the light on in the family room?" I quick ran out to explain it was my mom, but he wasn't buying it. So now if the power goes out again in the next 6 years, it will be because I left the damn light on in the family room for 2 minutes. On a bright note it will be light in just 6 hours and we won't have to think so much when leaving a room.

Today was also the day I walked 15 miles! It took 4 hours and I ate 2 pj sandwiches, a mini twix bar, cheese and crackers and a power aide drink. I can justify eating anything as long as I am walking. It's so awesome because it cancels all the calories out. Like I care about calories; I'm the one who in known to have Dr. Pepper and Snickers bars for breakfast. You noticed I said Dr. Pepper and not pop. I am acclimating back to southern California, Dude.