Wednesday, September 29, 2004

The View from Vista

I'm back from house sitting in Laguna Beach! It was fun swimming in the cove with the fish and sea lions and going to bed with the sound of the ocean but now I'm Vista. Vista which means view, but I ask you, what view do I have in Vista? From my one window I see our "upstairs" neighbors. They have about 78 people living in their house along with a few pit bulls and some chickens. They are our loud naughty neighbors that make my parents want to move. Out my other window I see the greenhouses. These green houses grow a plant called the Bromeliad. It is 30 acres of greenhouses that use cancer causing chemicals. We think they are the reason my mom, dad, sister, all of our dogs and a spattering of neighbors have had cancer. Happy happy joy joy. So don't buy broeliads because all your doing is inadvertently giving me and my dogs cancer.

Tomorrow we register for the 3 - day breast cancer walk. We walk 20 miles a day for 3 days until we all fall down and die. This is my third year of walking and every year I never think I am ready. In fact this year I think I might just fall down within the first mile and let the sweeper van pick me up. Really I find no shame in being picked up in the loser van and being brought to the camp. I already raised my money and it goes to cancer research if I walk or not. I suppose I will walk though because whatever does not kill me just gives me material.