Friday, September 24, 2004

Pumpkin Seeds Make the World Go Round

First off I have to just say that I had my first pumpkin sighting today and it made me so happy. Now before you try to schedule an intervention for me (again) just hear me out. The first pumpkin sighting of the year is very exciting for me because it means pumpkin seeds. I never loved Halloween for the candy, because you can get candy when ever the hell you want if you're smart about it. But pumpkin seeds were and still are very special to me. My mom would bring home the poor pumpkin for me to carve and I would proudly announce that the pumpkin was about to get a lobotomy. I was weird even then. After we would scoop out the entrails and clean them off she would add a pound of butter and some salt and I would eat those pumpkin seeds within the hour. When I was smaller I could only do this about three times before I got so sick I couldn't look at a pumpkin without turning a bit green, I am proud to say as an adult I can easily go through about 6 pumpkins before I have to quit. It's a big thing when I see the first pumpkin of the year it brings back childhood memories, makes my mouth water and my arteries harden. Stay tuned for the pumpkin count this year; maybe I'll break 10!