Wednesday, December 01, 2004

It turns bread into toast!

I watch the ABC show Lost and it makes me think, how would I do on an island? I think if there was no polar bears or any other evil forces at work I could do all right. I would be the one who would fish and pick berries. I'm not too keen on keeping the fire going. I can light the fire; just ask the arson investigators, I just don't have the commitment to keep them going. I am a big fan of daily showers and smooth legs so I guess I would spend a lot of time in the ocean and I would have to fashion a crude razor out of a coconut and a monkey.
I would be happy about my killer tan but I would be sad when the tan turns into a deadly carcinoma.
I would definitely win the "lose the weight" competition against my sister if I was on an island between now and Christmas. That seems a bit overboard to be stranded on an island just to win but I do hate to lose.
Also if I was on a deserted island I would not be subjected to Nick and Jessica's Family Christmas...oh dear God take me home now. I accidentally taped their special after Lost and because I have a bit of a dark side I watched as much as I could stomach. I hardly think this is how Jesus envisioned the celebration of His birth, but ya know what, maybe He saw it coming and wanted a good laugh, then again maybe not.