Sunday, August 29, 2004

Wilkommen, bienvenue, welcome in cabaret, au cabaret, to cabaret!

We saw Cabaret at the Moonlight tonight...had no idea it was the feel good musical of the century! OK not really, dancing Nazi's just don't do it for me. Now dancing Communist, yes, that works but dancing Nazi's?

Just Sunday for the Comedy Store this week, I will be in Minnesota on Wednesday and Thursday. My buddy Mark is letting me borrow his camera so I can make a movie about my Fair experience. Did you know you could buy deep fried lard there? Guess what my family's getting in their Christmas stockings this year? Not just lard, deep-fried lard. This will also be my first trip to the Mall of America. Oh happy day, now I will be a real woman. I can't wait to be consumed by consumerism. If Mother Teresa liked retail, she would totally be at the Mall of America 24/7.

Things to look forward to:

Monday is breast day.

Tuesday is happy fun day with the Native Americans.

Wednesday I can official apply for unemployment and I get to fly to Minnesota.

Thursday and Friday will be a fun adventure around the tundra that is Minnesota.

Saturday I get to see lard being deep-fried and a Prairie Home Companion (not at the same time).

Sunday I'll hang out with my pal Jess until I have to get on the plane where I will then write comedy about how horrible the food is and how I only get one peanut, what's up with that?

Wilkommen, bienvenue, welcome in cabaret, au cabaret, to cabaret!